Friday 23 March 2012

REVIEW: Blood Red Shoes - In Time To Voices CD

I've been hearing good things about these two, Anyone already a fan?
(Well they do make a rather good match)

Well they formed in 2004, but they have sure made a big bang. This is their third CD and its a definite winner. Their Single 'Cold' I seem to be hearing a lot over the radio and at first I thought it was a little strange, but now I am warming to it more and more every time. Their songs are fun and powerful. (One of them, 'It Gets Boring By The Sea' was featured in the amazingly funny film Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World)
This rock duo is going to go far if they keep up the music, and their punk style is even more quirky. The pair, Laura and Steven openly support 'Love Music Hate Racism' and anti-fascist campaign and have even played at Ladyfest before, which is a feminist festival
Their New Cd, 'In Time To Voices' is due out on 26th March 2012, pre-order it here, its an exclusive with Play, they have signed copies.

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